Copenhagen Fashion Week 2010...
There are so many thing I could write about it... But if I should describe it, then I would use these words: Amazing, fabulous, glamorous and freakin´ cool!
- I really really like the Scandiavian Fashion (but only for women, I will explain that later)! I think that this was THE event of the winter in Copenhagen (Yes, because the Climate Meeting in CPH was a failure).
So, maybe I should say something about it... - Label, which positively surprised me? - Cream (yes, one of my favourite)
- The most RETRO peace, which I loved? - Black glasses from "HimmelRiget"
- I was kind of disappointed with the scarfs there.. The colours didn´t change since last year, which I think is kind of disappointing.
- Shoes were ok, I liked some pieces, but it wasn´t anything special.
- And now the dresses: (Yes, I admit it, I am a dress freak, and therefore that was THE thing I was looking most forward to). I loved them, especially the fact that the new colour is silver, which really made me thrilled. Although, the dress, which I fell in love with was a one, made by a Swedish designer Emmy, from Emmy Design. (to the right) (I sooo have to write to the designer (she seemed like a really nice lady, when I talked to her) and ask her, where I can buy this dress, I think, this is my MUST-HAVE for the summer season)
- Well, now I´m going to upload my favourite pictures and outfits from the show (The first picture was taken by me (front-rower):
The pictures look amazing... YOu´re such a lucky girl to be there xD *jealous* xD